Five Doggy Easter Recipes

Doggy Easter Egg

You will need:

  • A mini egg Mould.

  • Mixing bowl, small saucepan, teaspoon and small butter knife.

  • Your choice of yoghurt or carob chocolate drops.

Melt the yoghurt or carob drops in a bowl over very low heat. Using a teaspoon, fill each cavity with the melted yoghurt or carob drops. Gently tap the mould on the bench surface to spread and fill the cavity evenly. If you’ve overfilled the cavities, use the flat edge of a knife to scrape the excess back into the bowl. Refrigerate until set (approx. 20 mins). When set, the egg halves should easily slide out of the mould. Set aside. Repeat steps 1-3. Place a solid egg half on top of each cavity so when set, the two halves will be joined. Refrigerate until set. Gently remove the solid eggs from the mould.

Doggy Bunny Marshmallows

You’ll need:

  • A bunny silicone mould

  • 3 Tbls Plain, Unflavored Gelatin

  • 1 cup Honey

  • 1 cup water (split in two)

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1/4 tsp Salt

  • Coconut flour for dusting

Take your Gelatin, and 1/2 cup of water and put it into your mixing bowl. Stir it slightly with a spoon.  While that sits, take a saucepan and put your honey, 1/2 cup of water, vanilla extract and salt into the pan.  Heat on a medium to high heat, mixing constantly, until you bring the temperature of the mixture to 240 degrees Fahrenheit. Once your mixture reaches the right temperature, remove the pan, slowly and carefully pour it into you mixer while on the low setting. Once it’s all poured in, slowly increase the speed of your mixer being careful not to splash the hot mix all over.  Once your mixer is on high, let it mix for around 10 minutes, or until you have a nice fluffy consistency.

While the fluff is mixing spray your pans lightly with oil. Use silicone moulds to stop the marshmallow bunnies from sticking once they are set.  After the mix is fluffy, you can spoon it into a pastry bag to make filling your mould easier.  

After you have filled your moulds, let them sit for at least 4 – 5 hours so that the mixture can properly set.  Now you can remove the Marshmallow bunnies from the mould.  They will still be sticky, so take a cutting board, and dust it with coconut flour.  Lightly tap the Marshmallow bunnies in the flour to help coat the sticky parts, and that’s it!  You have now created Marshmallow bunnies for dogs!  And yes, you can eat them too!

Egg doggy treats

You’ll need:

  • 6 eggs

  • 28g grated cheese

  • Bunny shaped silicone mould.

Preheat the oven to 180°c. Crack and scramble the eggs. Pour the eggs into the mould, leaving a little room in each shape. Add 1-2 pinches of cheese to each shape. Bake for 20-25 minutes until eggs are set.

Frozen Easter Egg Treats

  • Plain yoghurt

  • 1 banana

  • ½ punnet raspberries

  • ½ punnet strawberries with stalks and leaves removed

Whiz the fruit together in a mixer until smooth. Pour into a silicone egg mould until halfway full. Freeze for 30 minutes to an hour. Pour plain yoghurt onto the frozen fruit mix until it reaches the top of the mould. Freeze for at least 2 hours.

Doggy Easter Cookies

You’ll need:

  • 60g peanut butter

  • 280g coconut flour

  • 140g steel cut oats

  • 225ml hot chicken broth

  • 2 tbsp olive oil

  • 2 tbsp honey

  • Easter cookie cutter

Preheat oven to 180°c. Place steel cut oats in a blender, food processor, or coffee grinder until they’re a powdery consistency. Combine peanut butter, hot chicken broth, olive oil, and honey. Stir until dissolved. Stir in ground oatmeal and flour until well combined. Place dough on a floured surface and roll out to a 1/4” thickness. Cut out shapes with cookie cutters. Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes. Ice cookies if desired with a little flour, water and natural food colouring. Pop back in the oven for 2-3 minutes.

Hope you all have fun trying out these Easter themed doggy recipes! x


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