Fleas & Ticks: Natural Alternatives

Fleas are like the dog version of nits!


Fleas are like the dog version of nits! 〰️

As some of you know, Bailey is epileptic - this means that I do not give him any chemicals found in any flea/worming treatments, vaccines, food etc. or else he will often have a seizure, not to mention all the chemicals from the treatments potentially getting into the environment & waterways.

There is a couple of things you can use as natural flea/worming treatments:

Billy no mates powder/tincture - this is added to the food to create a mixture that fleas, ticks and mites hate!

Herbal flea collars - these stink! (Of flowers) these are used to repel fleas because of the smell, similar to mosquito bands.

Verm-x - Herbal worming liquid that can be given monthly or daily treats.

Neem spray - again, these are used to repel fleas with the smell!

EM collars - these are natural tick repellents. The EM ceramic beads feature Effective Micro-organisms, good bacteria that increase your dog’s natural immune resistance. Effective Micro-organisms work quite differently to antibiotics and chemical agents - expelling rather than killing germs and bugs - providing a natural alternative tick repellent.

Diatomaceous Earth powder - you can either add this to the dogs coat as the fine grit cuts up the fleas (gross!) or you can add it to the dogs meals for worms as well (it works the same way inside )

Feeding raw meat with fur - natural worming treatment, as fur isn’t digestible, it works by brushing the worms and eggs out of the digestive system, this said, it should be given at least once a week!

If you're struggling with fleas still…

If your really struggling with fleas, it is always best to get some indorex spray from the vet for your house. You must spray your whole house and well ventilate it - no pets should be inside. This helps to kill eggs/larvae and fleas hidden in your carpets, sofas etc. You can also sprinkle diatomaceous earth everywhere too if you don’t want to spray the house, but it does get very messy!

My boy had very severe hotspots this year (normally due to flea bite allergy, although have I seen any?!) so my vet suggested I got a seresto collar, I did budge as anything to help bailey not be so itchy! And it fortunately hasn’t made him seizure - but he’s still had hotspots - although fleas have been rife this year for some reason! So, this is something you could also use if you don’t trust the herbal products, although, I would like to add that my boy has never had a tick! And although I have seen the odd flea on him, they haven’t ever been that bad, remember they need to bite the dog to die sometimes! Although, I don’t think that’s too bad for a dog who is around dogs all day, every day! (We use Billy no mates powder and normally a herbal collar from Healthy Pet Store)

I will brush up on allergies and hotspots at a later date.

Chemical Flea/Worming

Lastly, I have heard many horror stories about chemical flea products burning dogs skin, making them really ill (diarrhoea/vomiting) and even seizing... it’s always best to speak to your vet if you wish to use something unnatural or chemical, as they will explain the dosage, not use fakes(!), explain the side effects and will know how to treat your dog if they have any adverse effects.

Hope I haven’t grossed you out too much!

Golden Retriever looking alert with text saying 'lets talk fleas' natural flea and worm prevention for dogs.

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