5 things you can do on World Ocean Day.

Protect Our Oceans


Protect Our Oceans 〰️

World Ocean Day is the 8th June, every year.

But what is World Ocean Day?

Its a day to unite ocean action worldwide! Enabling global action to commit to conserving our one ocean and one climate. By working together we can protect the nature around us across the whole globe.

What can you do this world ocean day?

Visit www.worldoceanday.org to get involved in events and find out more information.

Organise or attend a beach clean - Surfers Against Sewage have a handy guide on their website to organising your own clean, even just heading to the beach with your family for a 2 minute beach clean will all make a difference, visit #2MinuteBeachClean for more info. If you cannot get to the beach, then why not walk to your local park and pick up any litter you can find.

Reduce your plastic intake - this will make a huge impact! Lots of plastic ends up in our oceans and waterways, it pollutes them and kills sea life, wildlife and damages precious ecosystems. This action you can do for a lifetime! 38 million plastic bottles ends up in landfill every year, by simply swapping to a reusable bottle you can make a huge difference! Using reusable bags instead of purchasing plastic carrier bags, saying no to plastic straws, using zero waste/refill stores, or even going to farm shops/greengrocers can make a difference as well.

Get in the ocean! (if its safe). What better way to learn to love the ocean and planet we live on, than by enjoying what it has to offer?!

The World Oceans Day campaign is asking us all to get involved on social and spread the word, using the hashtag #TogetherWeCan🌊 . To join in you just have to take a photo of yourself, or a group of people, with your arms in the air – cropped so that your hands touch the upper corners of the photo frame, then share away.


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